Friday 13 November 2015

Third Ancillary Text

When planning the third element of our ancillary texts, we knew we wanted to target a wide range of audience members. We thought of the various ways we can reach a wide demographic:

  • Magazine Front Covers
  • Magazine Articles
  • Newspaper Ads
  • Social Media
With pros and cons to each, we thought about which would benefit our artist the most.

Magazine Front Cover

Magazine front covers are a good way to get exposure for an up and coming musician. There are a wide variety of magazines, but most likely the most beneficial would be music magazines; as their consumers are going to fit our target audience better.

Some popular music magazines include 
  • Rolling Stone
  • Q
  • NME (New Musical Express)
  • Kerrang!
  • Clash
Whilst this would be beneficial for our artist in terms of promotion and marketing; we feel that it doesn't suit our artist. We feel that the genre of music we're creating, Neo Soul, R&B, Trip Hip Hop wouldn't suit a mainstream audience; which is often who these types of magazines appeal to.

Magazine Articles

Magazine articles are an effective way for potential fans and audiences to discover and get to know an artist personally. It gives them a deeper insight to the musician as a person, rather than just their music.

Music magazine articles who write and publish introducing features on a new artist, often help said artist to break out into the industry and gain a larger network of consumers. Using cross media convergence, the magazine can work with the artist to help promote them.

Similar to magazine front covers, this would promote our artist well, but perhaps too help and might end up marketing them to a larger, and therefore more vaguer audience. Our artist is keen to target a certain demographic of audience members as they produce music that not everyone as heard of, which relates back to our findings from our target audience.

Newspaper Adverts

Arguably considered, one of the oldest forms of media, newspapers have been in the public and therefore society for an incredibly long time.

By featuring an advert in a newspaper, you target a certain demographic of people; as it's well known that the youth of today don't read newspapers and prefer to stick to digital forms of technology and social media.

Newspaper adverts would target young adults, most likely those at university, or business owners, budding entrepreneurs and older.

This advert published in a newspaper includes key dates and important notes for the consumer, all in bright colours so that they're able to quickly glance at it and remember all the information.

We feel that we will use a newspaper advert as our third ancillary text.

Social Media

Social Media has grown incredibly quickly in the past decade, with many young people using it constantly.

Marketing our artist on social media would be the quickest way to promote her; however, because social media is so vast we would have to carefully decide what social media website to market her on.

The cons of social media also include being unable to truly remove anything once it is posted and so we'd have to be extremely careful as anyone can take work that our artist has created and claim it as their own. With social media, things such as copyright have to be considered so that plagiarism and content theft can be swiftly dealt with.

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