Monday 16 November 2015

Initial Music Video Feedback

Once we edited our music video, we got some feedback from Mr Higgins and Miss Green.

At first, Mr Higgins questioned the reason behind using Charlotte in the music video, but we felt that she added extra visual content to the music video. He felt that she drew away from the artist and their representation. Our music video didn't have a narrative, something we decided upon very early on and so because of this, and because she didn't lip sync or add to the music video, Mr Higgins didn't understand the reasoning behind her being there. He felt our music video could be stronger without her. After discussions, we decided to use minimal shots of Charlotte to correct that and focus on myself as I am the artist. We wanted to keep some shots which involved Charlotte such as our match cut, but the rest we decided to edit out and refilm later.

He also stated that we hadn't used the best of our clips and we should think of our framing. He also said that we should think closer about our beginning and possibly use shots of myself to establish myself as the artist from the start.

One thing both himself and Miss Green liked was our match cuts. They felt it was effective and captured the audiences' attention, leaving a long lasting impression.

Happy with the response we got, we decided to film another similar shot to include somewhere else in the music video, so that it could become a reoccurring element.

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