Wednesday 4 November 2015

Intertextual Reference

We decided our music video needed more dynamic shots of myself and so we wanted to include an intertextual reference of The Internet.

We wanted to film a few shots that looked completely different to the rest of our music video; we considered the idea of silhouettes and so we decided to film some shots of myself in front of a projector. Using The Internet and their music video for Get Away as an intertextual reference, we captured a few shots of myself dancing in front of the screen.

I think the overall shot ended up looking good and fit the theme of our music video. When reviewing our content, we realised several people had similar ideas, so we decided to create something slightly different. Whereas most people had overlayed their background image on top of their artist, we decided to completely blank out our artist to show her silhouette. We felt that by doing this, this scene would stand out and add some contrast.

We wanted to include an intertextual reference into our music video as we knew it was something Andrew Goodwin had mentioned in his theory of music videos. We wanted our music video to be memorable and distinguishable from others with a similar genre so we decided to include almost a tribute to the original group, The Internet, in the background.

We felt that 'Get Away' aesthetically fit the theme of our music video and so that was why we chose that particular music video of theirs to play in the background. This song also came from the same album, 'Ego Death' as 'Under Control', which meant that they had similar themes and references.

I personally think that the silhouette ended up looking very prominent and stood out. The artist was able to be noticeable against the background.


Initially, Mr Higgins had stated that he felt that this particular scene didn't work with the rest of our music video; and so after refilming some of our shots, we reworked these scenes and they fit a lot better.

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