Wednesday 14 October 2015

What is a Digipak?

A digipak is 'a type of packaging for CDs or DVDs, typically made from cardboard with an internal plastic holder for one or more discs.' This is an aspect of the coursework; we have to design and create a digipak as part of our ancillary texts to go with our music video and fit our artist style. 

When planning our digipak, due to the fact that we had filmed in various contrasting locations; we tried to think of a theme that runs throughout. We thought the theme of nature could be interesting to work with, as we shot near a lot of plants in Camden and we also shot on the beach, so to show the contrast between the two locations would fit in with the theme of the song and the lyrics.

1975 - 1975

When looking at digipaks, the first I decided to study was 1975's self titled debut album. They establish the style of their music very quickly by the use of their monochromatic colour scheme. Keeping this theme throughout, even on their physical CD, their Indie Rock genre is not shocking for the consumer. It informs possible consumers on their brand, image and style before they have even brought the product.

This inspired us when discussing and planning our digipak, we wanted our artist's distinct style to be expressed through the synergy across all our ancillary texts. We also wanted our colour scheme to express our artist's style and overall sound of music so that our consumer would be able to judge what genre of music they'd be paying for.

The 1975 also have a thanks page in which they pay thanks to all that have helped them along the way. This is important for a debut artist as it acknowledges several people in the industry and helps them make connections, it also gives an artist an opportunity to thank fans, which helps them gain more and therefore propel their fame and career.

Will Harrison - A Place Called Home

In this digipak, likewise to The 1975, the artist style is very distinct, American Folk, Country. Will Harrison also has a theme that runs throughout his digipak, so that fans can see the similarities across it. The background runs across all the pages along with the tree; we felt that it would be effective if we had a nature element that could feature various times throughout. 

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