Saturday 2 January 2016

Target Audience Feedback

After releasing our music video, we wanted to gain audience feedback on our media product and ancillary texts and so we asked people who fit our audience demographic to give any feedback they had to offer. Being consciously aware of the large impact social media has in the 21st century, we decided to connect to our target audience via social media platforms such as Twitter and YouTube; as both of them are in the top ten highest earning websites of 2015 and have a large following who use both websites daily which would therefore give our music video large exposure. 

This piece of feedback was beneficial for us as this person noted key features that they enjoyed such as the lighting which is something that we focused on and worked hard to create a variation. They also gave us constructive feedback on how we can adjust the colour of some of the shots we had taken. They also made reference to an exact moment in the music video (2:06-2:09) that seemed off, which meant that if we had time to go back make some subtle changes, we'd know exactly what to focus on.
This person complimented the lip syncing, which we're thankful for as it was something we focused on perfecting, especially as they're are some lyrics that are hard to decipher and lip sync accurately.
This person enjoyed the locations we had chosen for our ancillary texts and felt that it complimented the colour scheme, which made us very happy to hear that feedback. This was something we wanted to really focus on and make evident that this was the main concept.

This piece of feedback commented on the use of angles, which was an aspect of the music video we tried hard to add variety with as we felt it would add to the conceptual feel.

Possibly the most greatest piece of feedback we received was that if not stated our music video seemed realistic, something would be seen on TV for example. This shows that we paid attention to common music video conventions that fit our music genre and that we also referenced Andrew Goodwin's theory on music videos.

This person was very detailed in their feedback of our music video, which was incredibly beneficial as it highlighted that the little details that we focused on really resonated within our target audience and they were able to identify some cinematic elements we tried to incorporate. They noticed the way we used various shots such as wide shots and close ups to in order to establish our artist. They stated that overall the music video seemed very natural and flowed seamlessly which meant that we managed to portray the overall chilled and relax theme of the music video and the genre, Contemporary R&B, Neo Soul and Trip Hop.

This person kept their feedback concise but they noted the use of the  shots and editing style we used for our ancillary texts. I think the way we edited the shots added to the overall concept and created synergy.

This piece of feedback I feel was very important as it came from someone who hadn't heard of The Internet or their music. For them to enjoy the music video that we had created means that we were able to create a successful piece that not only attracts people from our target audience, but people from outside as well. They noted that our colour scheme varies a lot which for them took away from the camerawork, which I agree with; as at times the colour scheme can be very bold and bright but also very soft. I like these contrasting elements and I feel like it works well in our music video, but I understand that for others it might prove to be distracting.

These are a collection of feedback comments we received directly on YouTube, which compliment the artist and the camera shots we used. 

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