Friday 4 December 2015

Editing Inspiration: Beyoncé

When editing our match cuts, we gained inspiration from other artists. Beyoncé's 2006 song, 'Freakum Dress' features several of these shots in which she changes outfit. We were influenced by this and tried to recreate it in our own way.

In this shot, you can see our artist changing her clothes in a photo booth. After being influenced by Beyoncé, an artist who fits into the musical genre we're basing our artist on, we decided to similarly change her outfit in a quick match cut. Looking at this shot, I realise that the lighting seems quite warm and therefore heavy on the yellow tones, especially due to the harsh light on the left hand side of the artist's face due to the photo booth we shot in and so this is something I'd like to change if we had the technology to effectively alter it, without the shot looking too distorted.

In Beyoncé's Freakum Dress, you can see a similar match cuts where she changes her outfit mid shot, which allows the audience's attention to focus to that aspect which relates back to the lyrics of her song. We chose to highlight the clothing in our music video, in particular in this shot, because we wanted to reference back to our target audience and the fashion style that they are used to; which would therefore allow them to relate to our artist, which makes our music video accessible to a larger audience.

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